Can my student assistants check out materials under my library account?
Yes, As a current GU/MGUH faculty/staff member you are entitled to name a person to borrow materials for you on your library account at Dahlgren Memorial Library. The proxy may be student, research assistant, SUA or staff. To have a proxy borrower attached to your record you must first be a registered borrower at Dahlgren Memorial Library. Your library account cannot have lost item fees. All materials borrowed by the proxy will be checked out to your personal account. You will be responsible for all fines incurred and you will be responsible for the return of all print materials and any replacement fees for unreturned material. To borrow print materials, the proxy must be a Georgetown University affiliate and will need to present their GOCard or MedStar Georgetown University Hospital ID. The materials will then be checked out to your library account. All overdue, recall and hold notices will be sent to you via email.
Please stop by the Information Services Desk with your student assistant to fill out a proxy form.