Where is the notary?
Sharon 'Pepper' Richardson is a notary (MedStar) in the Department of Medicine (PHC - 5005). She can be reached at 202-444-7547. There is no fee for the service; she does not make office calls. The notary services hours are 10am to 2pm Monday through Friday.
Silvana Alcocer is a notary in the office of Technology Commercialization (3300 Whitehaven St. NW. Harris Building, Suite 1500. Washington, DC 20007) and she can be reached at 202-687-0843. There is a $3.00 fee for the service and appointments are required.
Gina Lee is a notary for DC. Gina does not charge for Notary Services for GU personnel. She is located at 2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 503, Room 6052. Email or call (202-687-2402) to assure that she is available.